Holland the government wants that it is easy for people to be able to make
healthy food. The government also wants to survey if the food is save. She has
rules for the safety and for the production of food.
get advice of the independent food
council. Every product needs to be approved by the government before it is
allowed to be produced. The codex Alimentarius is an international organisation
that developers the rules of food products.
product needs to be traceable., the producer needs to be able to show where to
product came from and to who he has delivered it. The producer also needs to
inform the NVWA ( Dutch food and goods authority) when some product isn’t save.
Providing proper
Ways to achieve make sure
customers have proper information on the products include:
- Labelling
The government ensures that food is labelled properly. If consumers know what a product contains, they can make more conscious decisions about food. - Logos
The healthy choice logo is an official Dutch seal that makes it easier to identify healthy food products. The green version, with the text gezondere keuze, or ‘healthier choice’, is awarded to the healthiest options within a group of basic food products that includes bread, milk, and fruit and vegetables. The blue version, with the text bewuste keuze, or ‘conscious choice’is found on healthier choices in the category of products that includes soups, sauces, and snacks.
All the information that must be
on an etiquette:
On the labels stands the
E-numbers. They’re approved colourings, flavourings, and preservatives. They’re
only approved when research says the products don’t are dangerous for the health
of someone.
Biologic. This is only allowed when it follows strict rules of animal
welfare and environmental conservation.
Genetic modificated organism. If there’re more than 0,9 precent genetic
modificated organism.
The origin
Nutritive value.
Feeding claims and healthy claims, like having a low fat content, have
to satisfy at some standard so that it is all equal in the European Union.
The Commodities Act stipulates
that a product may not endanger the health or safety of consumers. This
legislation covers foods, ingredients, production, food preparation sites and
sales outlets. The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority provides
government oversight to ensure the legislation is complied
Food safety
The government ensures food safety, as people must be able to trust
that food is safe and not dangerous to their health. The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority monitors whether businesses comply with food standards and regulations. The private sector is responsible for daily inspections and quality controls, but government oversight remains key. Companies with well-functioning control systems are checked less frequently by the government, freeing the inspectors to focus on problem companies.
Biological food
foods are foods that are
produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs. Organic
foods are also not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical
food additives.
Foods may only be marked as "organic" if at least
95% of their agricultural ingredients are organic. Organic ingredients in
non-organic food may be listed as organic in the list of ingredients, as long as
this food has been produced in accordance with the organic legislation. In order
to ensure better transparency, the code number of the control body must be
Council Regulation
This regulation establishes the legal framework for all levels of
production, distribution, control and labeling of organic products which may be
offered and traded in the EU. It determines the continued development of organic
production through the provision of clearly defined goals and principles.
General production, control and labeling guidelines were established by the
Council Regulation.
Area of applicability
The Council Regulation applies to the following agricultural
products, including aquaculture and yeast:
- Living or unprocessed
- Processed
- Animal feed
- Seeds and propagating
Collection of wild plants and seaweed is also included in the scope of this Regulation
Not included in its scope:
- Products from hunting and fishing
of wild animals.
Commission Regulations
Rules of organic farming:
- Products who are permitted in
organic farming: fertilisers, soil ameliorants and
- Minimum requirements on the size
of housing and exercise areas including pastures for organic livestock,
depending on animal species and development stage.
- Non-organic animal feed, feed
additives and processing aids for the production of compound feed and
premixtures permitted in organic farming.
- Non-organic ingredients, additives
and processing aids permitted in organic food production (including yeast
- Modificated organism aren’t
allowed in organic food, unless they came accidentally in the food and the
percentage is less than 0,9 percent.
In addition to EU legislation on organic farming and organic production, organically operating farmers and processors must also adhere to generally applicable rules on agricultural production and processing of agricultural products. That means that all generally applicable rules on the regulation of the production, processing, marketing, labeling and control of agricultural products also apply to organic foods.
Making beer

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